G1 Treasure Hunt reference and rules
•寻宝游戏将会是一次新生们认识校园的绝佳机会。我们拍摄了大量的学校著名“景点”与小角落的图片,学生将会有20分钟在校园中寻找这些地点并且拍照片记录。每个地点积一分。我们会大家分成4组,分别在A栋(黄色)教学楼,B栋(蓝色)教学楼,1层与G层寻找这些地点,并且拍照记录。我们会给每一个组发一个写有自己班级的小卡片,大家在拍照的时候需要让这个卡片清晰的出现在图片中。回到教室后,学长团的成员将会计算每个班级得到的分数。不过,如果一个班级任何一个学生超时10分钟或以下,我们将会从总分中扣除15分。如果一个班级任何一个学生学生超时10分钟以上,所有的分数将会清零。这个活动将会是一个学院比赛,获得最多分数的学院将会获胜。(由于有7个Metal行政班,我们将会把所有Metal house的分数加起来并且乘以6/7)
•The treasure hunt is an activity for new students to familiarisethemselves with the school. We took pictures of a variety of spots at school, and students will be offered 20 minutes to find these spots. Finding one spot rewards your form class one point. We will split every form class into 4 groups and find these locations respectively at Building A (the yellow building), Building B (the blue building), Floor 1 and Floor G. Every group will be given a card with their form class number on it. When students find these locations, they need to take pictures of them, with the card clearly presented in the picture. After students return to their form classrooms, prefects from the Student Leadership Body will calculate the final scores of every form class, but if the class exceeds 1-10 minutes, there will be 10 scores deducted. If the class still fails to return more than 10 minutes later than the schedule, all points will be cleared away. This activity will be a house competition, and the house with the most scores will win. (Because there are 7 metal form classes, we will add all scores of metal house and time 6/7 to obtain the final score of metal.)
•Every class will set off at different time. When students are in the classroom, prefects from the Student Leadership Body will play the video introducing course electives to aid students in course selection.
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SCIE Prefect 2023
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